We'are Open & Ready to Help. Our experienced roofers offer reliable residential & commercial roof repair, replacement & installation services.
The roof of your home is probably the most important part of the structure of your home. It protects you from harsh outside elements such as rain, snow, or extreme sun exposure. Since your roof is important, it’s extremely important (and necessary) to keep it in top shape so it will last you as long as possible. Like most places in your home, mold is the enemy of the health and safety of your roof. So, if you’re dealing with mold on your roof and you need tips for removing it, Pro Atlanta Roofing has just the thing for you.
Pro Atlanta is a local roof company that has been providing roofing services such as roof replacement and roof repair in the Atlanta area for years. We’ve seen our fair share of moldy roofs, and we have tried every method out there to remove it. Some methods work better than others, but these are the 3 steps you need to take to remove mold from your roof…
While there are so many different ways to remove mold from your roof, they don’t all work and some methods are much more effective than others. We’ve tried just about every method you can think of, but these are the 5 steps we always take when removing mold from your roof…
1. Practice safety
Removing mold from your roof can be dangerous since you have to go on top of your roof to be able to reach the mold. When going onto your roof, Pro Atlanta Roofing always recommends securing yourself in a harness. If you aren’t safe doing this yourself, you can always call a local roofing company like Pro Atlanta Roofing – we have the proper equipment needed to practice roof safety.
2. Pressure washing
Using a pressure washer is one of the easiest ways to remove mold from your roof. The only issue is that the amount of water pressure can cause damage to your shingles if it’s not used properly. Make sure you have experience using a pressure washer before climbing onto your roof. You don’t want to damage your roof and cause yourself to need a roof repair or a roof replacement, do you?
3. Cleaning solution options
When it comes to choosing a cleaning solution to remove the mold on your roof, we have a couple of options. We always recommend using a mixture of bleach and water to clean off any mold. Spray the affected area down and let it soak in for at least one hour. If that doesn’t get it all, you can try using a stronger mixture - trisodium phosphate and water.
Do you have mold growing on your roof and you aren’t comfortable removing it yourself? Are you looking to hire a local roof company that can remove the mold on your roof? Do you want to avoid a roof replacement or roof repair by removing any mold on your roof? Call the team at Pro Atlanta Roofing today! You can call our office anytime to learn more or schedule your appointment.